------最后的无病呻吟,于2009年9月20日 12:29 pm
1点到3点 6套GRE词汇
Diet day 2
4 slices bread, whole grain
2 T. peanut butter
Chocolate milk
* 2 T. Nesquik
* 1 C. 2% milk
1 pear
1 small bag of pretzel
2 C. porridge
1 large potato, stir-fried
1/3 C. red wine
2 C. ginger hot water w/ 2 T. brown sugar added
1 C. 2% milk
1. Decrease added sugar intake
2. Increase vegie for lunch: tomato, carrots, red bell pepper, leafy vegetables (considering Vitamin A, iron)
3. 1 fruit for morning and 1 for the afternoon, e.g. cantaloupe, banana, orange (for potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C)
4. Eat fish, nuts (for linolenic and vitamin E)
2 T. peanut butter
Chocolate milk
* 2 T. Nesquik
* 1 C. 2% milk
1 pear
1 small bag of pretzel
2 C. porridge
1 large potato, stir-fried
1/3 C. red wine
2 C. ginger hot water w/ 2 T. brown sugar added
1 C. 2% milk
Intake | Recommended | |
Milk | 1.9 cup | 3 cup |
Meat & Bean | 2.5 oz | 5.5 oz |
Vegetable | 1.1 cup | 2.5 cup |
Fruits | 1.3 cup | 2 cup |
Grain | 6.5 oz | 6 oz |
Total fat | 30.30% | 20-35% |
Saturated fat | 6.90% | <10% |
Cholesterol | 32 mg | 300 mg |
Sodium | 2199 mg | <2300> |
Intake | Recommended | |
Total Energy | 1719 | 2034 |
Protein (g) | 52 | 46 |
Carbs (g) | 246 | 130 |
Fiber (g) | 28 | 25 |
Total fat (g) | 57.8 | 38.2-66.9 |
Saturated fat (g) | 13.2 | <19.1 |
Linoleic (g) | 9 | 12 |
Alpha linolenic (g) | 0.4 | 1.1 |
Cholesterol (mg) | 32 | <399 |
Vitamin A (ug) | 268.8 | 700 |
Vitamin E (mg) | 7.2 | 15 |
Thiamin (mg) | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Riboflavin (mg) | 1.5 | 1.1 |
Niacin (mg) | 14.8 | 14 |
Folate (ug) | 322.5 | 400 |
Vitamin B6 (mg) | 1.6 | 1.3 |
Vitamin B12 (ug) | 2.1 | 2.4 |
Calcium (mg) | 827.3 | 1000 |
Phsphorus (mg) | 1168.9 | 700 |
Mg (mg) | 355.8 | 310 |
Iron (mg) | 11.1 | 18 |
Zinc (mg) | 8.5 | 8 |
Selenium (ug) | 75 | 55 |
Patassium (mg) | 3011 | 4700 |
Sodium (mg) | 2199 | 1500-2300 |
1. Decrease added sugar intake
2. Increase vegie for lunch: tomato, carrots, red bell pepper, leafy vegetables (considering Vitamin A, iron)
3. 1 fruit for morning and 1 for the afternoon, e.g. cantaloupe, banana, orange (for potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C)
4. Eat fish, nuts (for linolenic and vitamin E)
Diet day 1
1 small apple
1 Special K Mocha Bar
1 lettuce chicken salad w/ lite ranch
1 boiled egg
2 T. peanut butter
1 piece whole grain bread
Curry chicken pasta
* 1 cup pasta whole grain
* 11/2 cup celery
* 1/2 cup carrot
* 1 cube curry
1 cup potato chips
lemon sweet tea w/ honey
Let's see the dietary analysis.
1. reduce fat intake by lowering dressing and chips.
2. replace special K with whole grain bread or cereals.
1 Special K Mocha Bar
1 lettuce chicken salad w/ lite ranch
1 boiled egg
2 T. peanut butter
1 piece whole grain bread
Curry chicken pasta
* 1 cup pasta whole grain
* 11/2 cup celery
* 1/2 cup carrot
* 1 cube curry
1 cup potato chips
lemon sweet tea w/ honey
Let's see the dietary analysis.
Nutrient | Your Intake | Recommendation or
Acceptable Range |
Food Energy/Total Calories (kcals) | 1179 | 2034 |
Protein (gm) | 40 | 46 |
Carbohydrate (gm) | 126 | 130 |
Total Fiber (gm) | 21 | 25 |
Total Fat (gm) | 63.1 | 26.2 - 45.8 |
Saturated Fat (gm) | 12.7 | <> |
Monounsaturated Fat (gm) | 25 | ** |
Polyunsaturated Fat (gm) | 21 | ** |
Linoleic (omega 6) (gm) | 18.9 | 12 |
Alpha Linolenic (omega 3) (gm) | 1.7 | 1.1 |
Cholesterol (mg) | 243 | <> |
Vitamin A (mcg RAE) | 585.3 | 700 |
Vitamin C (mg) | 23.3 | 75 |
Vitamin E (mg a-TE) | 9 | 15 |
Thiamin (mg) | 0.6 | 1.1 |
Riboflavin (mg) | 0.7 | 1.1 |
Niacin (mg) | 12.4 | 14 |
Folate (mcg, DFE) | 230.5 | 400 |
Vitamin B6 (mg) | 1 | 1.3 |
Vitamin B12 (mcg) | 0.8 | 2.4 |
Calcium (mg) | 273.2 | 1000 |
Phosphorus (mg) | 679.9 | 700 |
Magnesium (mg) | 215.6 | 310 |
Iron (mg) | 6.4 | 18 |
Zinc (mg) | 5 | 8 |
Selenium (mcg) | 76.3 | 55 |
Potassium (mg) | 1730 | 4700 |
Sodium (mg) | 2095 | 1500 - 2300 |
Dietary Guidelines
Recommendations | Emoticon | Number of cup/
oz. Equ. Eaten | Number of cup/oz.
Equ. Recommended |
Grain | 3.3 oz equivalent | 6 oz equivalent | |
Vegetable | 3.6 cup equivalent | 2.5 cup equivalent | |
Fruit | 1 cup equivalent | 2 cup equivalent | |
Milk | 0 cup equivalent | 3 cup equivalent | |
Meat and Beans | 4.3 oz equivalent | 5.5 oz equivalent |
Dietary Guidelines
Recommendations | Emoticon | Amount Eaten | Recommendation or Goal |
Total Fat | 48.2% of total calories | 20% to 35% | |
Saturated Fat | 9.7% of total calories | less than 10% | |
Cholesterol | 243 mg | less than 300 mg | |
Sodium | 2095 mg | less than 2300 mg | |
Oils | * | * | * |
Discretionary calories (solid fats,
added sugars, and alcohol) | * | * | * |
Milk Intake | 0 cup equivalent |
Milk Recommendation | 3 cup equivalent |
Meat and Beans Intake | 4.3 oz equivalent |
Meat and Beans Recommendation | 5.5 oz equivalent |
Vegetables Intake | 3.6 cup equivalent |
Vegetables Recommendation | 2.5 cup equivalent |
Fruits Intake | 1 cup equivalent |
Fruits Recommendation | 2 cup equivalent |
Grains Intake | 3.3 oz equivalent |
Grains Recommendation | 6 oz equivalent |
1. reduce fat intake by lowering dressing and chips.
2. replace special K with whole grain bread or cereals.
土豆 (转自马悦凌网站)
1. 和中养胃、健脾利湿
土豆含有大量淀粉以及蛋白质、B族维生素、维生素C 等,能促进脾胃的消化功能,而且可以用来治疗胃溃疡等胃部的疾病。喝土豆汁可以治疗胃溃疡,但是喝土豆汁的同时一定要喝上生姜水冲鸡蛋茸,否则容易引起胃肠的出血。每天早晨或者睡前空腹喝生一勺土豆汁,然后马 上喝上一碗生姜红枣水冲鸡蛋茸,一是可以滋养受伤的胃肠的粘膜,二是袪寒,活血。
2. 宽肠通便
3. 降糖降脂
4. 美容养颜
5. Functional elements
--土豆含有膳食纤维,纤 维质地柔软,不会刺激肠胃,患胃溃疡或肠炎的人也可以放心地吃土豆。
--需要注意的是,由于土豆比较容易吸收脂肪,如果在烹调土豆时加入了油脂,就应当削减 其他富含脂肪的食品,以保证一日当中的总脂肪不会超标。
6. 利水消肿
--如果做饭的时候,不小心油溅到脸上,如果不马上处理那么长期这样,脸上就会出现小圆斑,这时如果您马上用生的土 豆片敷一下,不仅不疼了,还会避免斑的出现。
--土豆能消脸上的痘痘,脸上长“痘痘”了,只要发现开始冒,有些胀痛的时候就赶紧用生土豆片 贴 在上面,半小时后再更换,连换几次,这个小“痘痘”就再也发不起来了,如果小“痘痘”上已经开始有脓头,还是仍然用生土豆片贴在上面,一定要切得薄薄的, 这样贴在脸上不容易掉,经常更换,这个已冒脓的小痘痘同样也可以消掉,只是要多贴一段时间,多更换,脸上就不会留下色素沉着与凹陷了。
--用生土豆和生姜捣烂 后敷在红肿的关节处,还可以治疗老年人常见的膝关节痛。 用土豆可以治疗甲状腺囊肿。
7. 利于减肥
但是很多人一直误认为土豆淀粉含量过高,是容易导致发胖的食品,因此对土豆望而却步。其实,从主食的角度来评判,土豆的淀粉含量非但不高,而且还有助于人 们减肥。 这是因为,土豆的含水量较高,其中的淀粉含量只20%左右,并且还富含能够产生饱腹感的柔软膳食纤维。所以,如果用土豆来代替白米饭、白馒头, 哪怕放开肚子吃,也很难让人肥胖。
但是,快餐中比较多的土豆泥、炸薯条,在加工过程中被氧化,破坏了大量的维生素C,使营养成分大大降低。而对于炸薯条来 说,易增加脂肪的摄入量,而且炸薯条的油很难判断是否是新鲜的,加上反复高温加热,产生聚合物,像有毒物质环状单聚合物是致癌物质,所以要尽量少吃。再有发了牙的土豆以及发了霉的土豆,千万不要吃,因为里面含有一种叫生物碱为有毒物质,人体摄入大量的生物碱,会引起中毒、恶心、腹泻等反应。土豆中的生物碱属类固醇糖苷生物碱,主要为龙葵碱和卡茄碱。
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