


------最后的无病呻吟,于2009年9月20日 12:29 pm


1点到3点 6套GRE词汇








Diet day 2

4 slices bread, whole grain
2 T. peanut butter
Chocolate milk
* 2 T. Nesquik
* 1 C. 2% milk

1 pear
1 small bag of pretzel
2 C. porridge
1 large potato, stir-fried
1/3 C. red wine
2 C. ginger hot water w/ 2 T. brown sugar added

1 C. 2% milk

Intake Recommended
Milk 1.9 cup 3 cup
Meat & Bean 2.5 oz 5.5 oz
Vegetable 1.1 cup 2.5 cup
Fruits 1.3 cup 2 cup
Grain 6.5 oz 6 oz

Total fat 30.30% 20-35%
Saturated fat 6.90% <10%
Cholesterol 32 mg 300 mg
Sodium 2199 mg <2300>

Intake Recommended
Total Energy 1719 2034
Protein (g) 52 46
Carbs (g) 246 130
Fiber (g) 28 25
Total fat (g) 57.8 38.2-66.9
Saturated fat (g) 13.2 <19.1
Linoleic (g) 9 12
Alpha linolenic (g) 0.4 1.1
Cholesterol (mg) 32 <399
Vitamin A (ug) 268.8 700

Vitamin E (mg) 7.2 15
Thiamin (mg) 1.1 1.1
Riboflavin (mg) 1.5 1.1
Niacin (mg) 14.8 14
Folate (ug) 322.5 400
Vitamin B6 (mg) 1.6 1.3
Vitamin B12 (ug) 2.1 2.4
Calcium (mg) 827.3 1000
Phsphorus (mg) 1168.9 700
Mg (mg) 355.8 310
Iron (mg) 11.1 18
Zinc (mg) 8.5 8
Selenium (ug) 75 55
Patassium (mg) 3011 4700
Sodium (mg) 2199 1500-2300

1. Decrease added sugar intake
2. Increase vegie for lunch: tomato, carrots, red bell pepper, leafy vegetables (considering Vitamin A, iron)
3. 1 fruit for morning and 1 for the afternoon, e.g. cantaloupe, banana, orange (for potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C)
4. Eat fish, nuts (for linolenic and vitamin E)


Diet day 1

1 small apple
1 Special K Mocha Bar

1 lettuce chicken salad w/ lite ranch
1 boiled egg

2 T. peanut butter
1 piece whole grain bread
Curry chicken pasta
* 1 cup pasta whole grain
* 11/2 cup celery
* 1/2 cup carrot
* 1 cube curry
1 cup potato chips
lemon sweet tea w/ honey

Let's see the dietary analysis.
Nutrient Your Intake Recommendation or
Acceptable Range
Food Energy/Total Calories (kcals) 1179 2034
Protein (gm) 40 46
Carbohydrate (gm) 126 130
Total Fiber (gm) 21 25
Total Fat (gm) 63.1 26.2 - 45.8
Saturated Fat (gm) 12.7 <>
Monounsaturated Fat (gm) 25 **
Polyunsaturated Fat (gm) 21 **
Linoleic (omega 6) (gm) 18.9 12
Alpha Linolenic (omega 3) (gm) 1.7 1.1
Cholesterol (mg) 243 <>
Vitamin A (mcg RAE) 585.3 700
Vitamin C (mg) 23.3 75
Vitamin E (mg a-TE) 9 15
Thiamin (mg) 0.6 1.1
Riboflavin (mg) 0.7 1.1
Niacin (mg) 12.4 14
Folate (mcg, DFE) 230.5 400
Vitamin B6 (mg) 1 1.3
Vitamin B12 (mcg) 0.8 2.4
Calcium (mg) 273.2 1000
Phosphorus (mg) 679.9 700
Magnesium (mg) 215.6 310
Iron (mg) 6.4 18
Zinc (mg) 5 8
Selenium (mcg) 76.3 55
Potassium (mg) 1730 4700
Sodium (mg) 2095 1500 - 2300

Dietary Guidelines
Emoticon Number of cup/
oz. Equ. Eaten
Number of cup/oz.


3.3 oz equivalent 6 oz equivalent


3.6 cup equivalent 2.5 cup equivalent


1 cup equivalent 2 cup equivalent


0 cup equivalent 3 cup equivalent
Meat and Beans


4.3 oz equivalent 5.5 oz equivalent

Dietary Guidelines
Emoticon Amount Eaten Recommendation or Goal
Total Fat


48.2% of total calories 20% to 35%
Saturated Fat


9.7% of total calories less than 10%


243 mg less than 300 mg


2095 mg less than 2300 mg
Oils * * *
Discretionary calories (solid fats,
added sugars, and alcohol)


* *

Milk Intake 0 cup equivalent
Milk Recommendation 3 cup equivalent
Meat and Beans Intake 4.3 oz equivalent
Meat and Beans Recommendation 5.5 oz equivalent
Vegetables Intake 3.6 cup equivalent
Vegetables Recommendation 2.5 cup equivalent
Fruits Intake 1 cup equivalent
Fruits Recommendation 2 cup equivalent
Grains Intake 3.3 oz equivalent
Grains Recommendation 6 oz equivalent

1. reduce fat intake by lowering dressing and chips.
2. replace special K with whole grain bread or cereals.


土豆 (转自马悦凌网站)

从 药用价值来讲,中医认为,土豆具有和胃调中、益气健脾、强身益肾、消炎、活血、消肿等功效,可辅助治疗消化不良、习惯性便秘、神疲乏力、慢性胃痛、皮肤湿疹等症。

1. 和中养胃、健脾利湿
土豆含有大量淀粉以及蛋白质、B族维生素、维生素C 等,能促进脾胃的消化功能,而且可以用来治疗胃溃疡等胃部的疾病。喝土豆汁可以治疗胃溃疡,但是喝土豆汁的同时一定要喝上生姜水冲鸡蛋茸,否则容易引起胃肠的出血。每天早晨或者睡前空腹喝生一勺土豆汁,然后马 上喝上一碗生姜红枣水冲鸡蛋茸,一是可以滋养受伤的胃肠的粘膜,二是袪寒,活血。

2. 宽肠通便

3. 降糖降脂

4. 美容养颜

5. Functional elements
--土豆含有膳食纤维,纤 维质地柔软,不会刺激肠胃,患胃溃疡或肠炎的人也可以放心地吃土豆。
--需要注意的是,由于土豆比较容易吸收脂肪,如果在烹调土豆时加入了油脂,就应当削减 其他富含脂肪的食品,以保证一日当中的总脂肪不会超标。

6. 利水消肿
--如果做饭的时候,不小心油溅到脸上,如果不马上处理那么长期这样,脸上就会出现小圆斑,这时如果您马上用生的土 豆片敷一下,不仅不疼了,还会避免斑的出现。
--土豆能消脸上的痘痘,脸上长“痘痘”了,只要发现开始冒,有些胀痛的时候就赶紧用生土豆片 贴 在上面,半小时后再更换,连换几次,这个小“痘痘”就再也发不起来了,如果小“痘痘”上已经开始有脓头,还是仍然用生土豆片贴在上面,一定要切得薄薄的, 这样贴在脸上不容易掉,经常更换,这个已冒脓的小痘痘同样也可以消掉,只是要多贴一段时间,多更换,脸上就不会留下色素沉着与凹陷了。
--用生土豆和生姜捣烂 后敷在红肿的关节处,还可以治疗老年人常见的膝关节痛。 用土豆可以治疗甲状腺囊肿。

7. 利于减肥
但是很多人一直误认为土豆淀粉含量过高,是容易导致发胖的食品,因此对土豆望而却步。其实,从主食的角度来评判,土豆的淀粉含量非但不高,而且还有助于人 们减肥。 这是因为,土豆的含水量较高,其中的淀粉含量只20%左右,并且还富含能够产生饱腹感的柔软膳食纤维。所以,如果用土豆来代替白米饭、白馒头, 哪怕放开肚子吃,也很难让人肥胖。

但是,快餐中比较多的土豆泥、炸薯条,在加工过程中被氧化,破坏了大量的维生素C,使营养成分大大降低。而对于炸薯条来 说,易增加脂肪的摄入量,而且炸薯条的油很难判断是否是新鲜的,加上反复高温加热,产生聚合物,像有毒物质环状单聚合物是致癌物质,所以要尽量少吃。再有发了牙的土豆以及发了霉的土豆,千万不要吃,因为里面含有一种叫生物碱为有毒物质,人体摄入大量的生物碱,会引起中毒、恶心、腹泻等反应。土豆中的生物碱属类固醇糖苷生物碱,主要为龙葵碱和卡茄碱。


Lovely--Michelle Tumes


I first heard this song from a slide show of wedding photograph by David Peng. The wedding pics and the song is a perfect match, I get goose bump and teary everytime listening to the lyric. It is intoxicating! Michelle Tumes writes and sings to God, maybe this is why her music is so soft and touching.

You're the sweet dreams that soothe me
when I can't fall asleep.
You're the field
in the middle of the city.
When I'm rushing by
at the speed of light.

You're the strong resolution
when I find no peace.
You're the church bells ringing
in the evening.
When all is quiet,
Your whisper comfort
lifts my heart.
I get so weak.

Ohhh.... You're lovely, lovely
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A thousand times
I look around me and I find...

Ohh... you're lovely. (lovely)
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A million ways
cannot explain,
you're lovely.

You're the soft words that touch me
when I just can't speak.
You're the breeze on the ocean
in the morning,
reminding me
to greet the day.

You're the flowers I remember
seeing in Italy.
Colors through
a golden haze,
bright and radiant,
soft and fragrant
In the noon day sun,
it makes me sing.

Ohh... You're lovely, lovely
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A thousand times
I look around me and I find...

Ohh... You're lovely, lovely
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A million ways
cannot explain
You're lovely.

I understand...
There may be grief
and there may be pain.
But I am aware
You blind the darkness
with who You are

Ohh... You're lovely, lovely
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A thousand times
I look around me and I find...

Ohh... You're lovely, lovely
You're the center of my universe.
(my universe)
A million ways
cannot explain
You're lovely.

Michelle Tumes is a popular Australian Contemporary Christian musician. Tumes first signed with an Australian publisher, but soon after moved to the US to write songs for CCM musicians. Signing with Sparrow Records, her first album, Listen, was released in 1998.



Understanding Alcohol Metabolism

Beers and wines contain ethanol (CH3CH2OH) that gives people horrifying hangover sometimes. Ethanol is fast absorbed throughout the whole gastrointestinal tract, transported unaltered in the bloodstream, and then degraded in tissues (mainly liver).

Here is a scheme pictures of the ethanol metabolism in the hepatic cells (Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Enzymes involved are:
ADH-Alcohol dehydrogenase
ALDH2-Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2
Catalase (in the presence of hydrogen peroxide)

Figure 1 shows two pathways of ethanol metabolism: alcohol dehydrogenase pathway (ADH) and the microsonal ethanol oxidizing (MEO) pathyway.
1. ADH Pathyway

Figure 2.

This is the main pathway that ethanol oxidation follows. The toxic level of blood ethanol is 50-100 mg/dL, while the ADH enzyme itself is easily saturated when the blood ethanol reaches 15 mg/dL (3 times more than Km=5mg/dL). Where do those excessive alcohol metabolize? Follow me.

2. MEO Pathway
Figure 3.

Oxidation for excessive ethanol happens in the microsome through electron transport, thus this process is also called the microsomal electron transport system.

The system consists of substrate NADPH and O2, electron transporters FAD, FADH2, FMNH2, FMN, and cytochrome P-450. Therefore, the redox-reactions happen here are similar to mitochondria electron transport chain. NADPH is firstly oxidized by O2 and generates NADP+, which then oxidizes the ethanol to acetaldehyde and water.

Why can alcoholics drink enormously before getting hammered?
Due to the cytochrome P-450. Excessive ethanol induce synthesis of the cytochrome P-450, thus establish higher metabolic efficiency towards ethanol. This is why alcoholic can drink very large quantities before showing alcohol intoxication.

So alcohol can be oxidized and even metabolic tolerated. Then why don't doctors approve of alcoholism? Here is the answer:
1. Fatty liver and lactic acidosis
ADH pathway produces NADH, but exhausts the NAD+ pool. The increased NADH:NAD+ ratio directs metabolism away from Kreb cycle and toward fatty acid synthesis.

Pyruvate is the end product of Glycolysis. Under aerobic condition, pyruvate is converted to Acetyl-CoA, which then enter Kreb cycle for ATP production. The whole Kreb cycle relies on an important cosubstrate--NAD+.

However, NAD+ pool was exhausted by through the ADH pathway. Low [NAD+] hinders and compromises Kreb cycle by slowing dehydrogenase activity in the Kreb cycle and accumulating citrate and pyruvate.

Figure 4.

What happens to the accumulated pyruvate?

Pyruvate, NADH, and H+ are catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase to form lactate and NAD+ (The reaction is driven by the massive NADH). High blood lactate level contributes to the lactic acidosis.

What happens to the accumulated citrate?
Citrate is directed to synthesis of Acetyl CoA (Figure 5), which will synthesis Malonyl CoA and together enter fatty acid synthesis (Figure 6). Therefore, the accumulated citrate in the Kreb cycle leads to fatty acid deposits in the hepatic cell and thus results in fatty liver.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

How do people feel in the case of low ATP production and high blood lactic acid?
Ethanol metabolism interferes with the energy production in Kreb cycle. This might be the reason of feeling dizzy, tired, and muscle soreness.

2. Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is initiated by the fibrosis of the liver, due to acetaldehyde overproduction (by ADH and MEO pathway, Figure 2, 3 ). Acetaldehyde impedes the formation of microtubules in hepatic cells and causes the development of perivenular fibrosis. In addition, acetaldehyde binds proteins and form adduct, therefore impairs the protein/enzyme functions.

3. Vitamin malabsorption

4. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
As Figure 1 shown, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced and neutralized to H2O by catalase. However, when H2O2 is overloaded and antioxidant defense (e.g. glutathione, catalase, and vitamins) is not sufficient, the oxidative stress is increased.

Another source of ROS might be the microsome electron transport system, which produces superoxide (O2-).

The ROS production in the ethanol metabolism is closely related to my current study on oxidative stress and endothelial function. We tend to exclude subjects who drink alcohol regularly. Alcohol consumption abivously increases oxidative stress, in particular, lipid peroxidation (Figure 7), even though antioxidant capacity may be evolved overtime in alcoholics.

Figure 7.
